Large surface demonstration video

Check out the new demonstration video on YouTube showing Spatial Integration rendering a surface with huge elevation and image overlay layers.

The elevation consists of 2 raster sources:

1m resolution Lidar (5.3GB) in NZGD2000 UTM coordinates
1 second resolution SRTM of the world (162GB) in WGS 84

And 1 image overlay:

0.6m resolution aerial photo (117GB) in NZGD2000

Spatial Integration handles all the coordinate transformations on-the-fly as well as integrating the Lidar with the SRTM. You can smoothly zoom from space to individual houses.

The video also demonstrates using Spatial Integration in both Projected and Spherical view modes. The mode is switched to spherical near the end of the video, so that the entire globe is rendered with accurate SRTM elevation.

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